Marissa van Uden named acquisitions editor; Leah Ning becomes managing editor

On behalf of Apex Book Company, join me in congratulating a couple of well-deserved new positions for two outstanding people.

Marissa van Uden will become Apex Book Company's primary acquisitions editor. Marissa joined us about 2.5 years ago and has displayed an eye for developmental editing and finding talented new writers. She has ably ushered two anthologies to publication and has been an invaluable team member when it comes to providing input regarding the direction of the company.

Leah Ning steps up as our managing editor. She will help guide our books into the trade market and will facilitate our new relationship with Diamond Book Distributors. Leah has a gift for organization and has the technical knowledge to assist me with back office work. She also possesses a keen business sense that has been incredibly helpful.

If you're wondering about me ... I'll stay busy as ever, if not busier, wheeling and dealing in the background. I will work on the acquisition side along with Marissa. Apex is expanding and my attention has been stretched to far too many projects. Apex is fortunate to have Marissa and Leah as people I can trust to hand responsibilities off to and know that everything will be just fine, if not better!