Anthology Submissions Call: ROBOTIC AMBITIONS

Editors Jason Sizemore and Lesley Conner are looking for stories that examine the concept of “robotic ambitions.” Using philosophical, moral, and practical points-of-view, what does it mean to be sentient and mechanical? What challenges will mechanical beings face from a fearful and chaotic world? What are their goals and ambitions?

Depending on the Robotic Ambitions’ Kickstarter funding level, we expect to fill the anthology with six to twelve original stories selected from an open reading period that will open in early March.

The Robotic Ambitions Kickstarter has funded and is still ongoing. Click here to back!

Opens: March 14th
Reading Period: Ends March 28th for general submissions; April 5th for marginalized writers.
Word Count: Up to 5000
Payment: 8 cents a word (up to 5000) + copy of anthology in soft cover
Rights: First English language rights (soft cover, hard cover, ebook, digital)
Sim-subs: Yes
Multi-subs: No
Format: Docx, Doc, or RTF using Shunn Manuscript Guidelines

Apex Book Company and its editors welcomes and encourages submissions from writers of all races, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, and military status.

We want diverse voices. We value diverse voices. Saying that, please be aware that we do not collect any information that might clue our editors to any of these attributes other than your name, email, and cover letter before any decisions are made regarding your submission.


Can you recommend stories for us to read that will give writers an idea of type of work we seek?

Is the 5000 word limit a hard cutoff?

Can you accept post mailed printed submissions?

How long will the submission wait time be?
Approximately one month.

If I’ve been recently published in Apex Magazine can I submit to Robotic Ambitions?

Are original translated works okay?
Absolutely, yes.

Both you and your translator will be listed as contributors and sign separate contracts. We will split your payment 50/50 with your translator unless otherwise instructed.

My story was rejected by Apex Magazine and/or one of our previous anthologies. Can I submit it?

How will I know what day you open to submissions in early March?
We make an announcement via the following channels—social media (Twitter, Instagram, and FB), Kickstarter update, blog post on this site, and via the Apex Book Company newsletter.

Do you still have a question about the guidelines?
Email Jason Sizemore (