Apex Book Company strives to publish high quality genre fiction in several formats; novels, novellas, collections and anthologies. Our authors have written in a broad spectrum of genres including: science fiction, horror, dark fantasy, urban fantasy and select non-fiction.
Ordering Books Wholesale from Apex
All our books are available in 6" x 9" or 5.5" x 8.5" trim size, mostly in trade paperback.
We offer the following terms:
- 50% discount
- No returns
- Payment in advance
- Minimum order of 5 copies
If you are hosting a signing for one of our authors, Apex Book Company will be happy to provide copies on consignment at a 40 percent discount.
To order wholesale, email Lesley Conner of Apex Book Company, lesley at at apexbookcompany dot com. Please include title, quantity and a valid mailing address in your email.
We look forward to doing business with you!
Ordering Our Books from Diamond Book Distributors
To Order Books for Your Library
Apex Book Company is a proud supporter of public libraries. To order books for your local library, please contact one of the following places below:
Brodart Company
500 Arch Street
Williamsport, PA 17705
Phone: (570) 326-2461
Fax: (570) 326-6769
1340 Ridgeview Dr
McHenry, Illinois 60050